JCOD Public Convening – Alternative Crisis Response (ACR)

JCOD Public Convening

Next Meeting July 17th on Alternative Crisis Response (ACR)

The next Justice, Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) public convening meeting will be Wednesday, October 16th from 9 am – 10:30 am. This will be the JCOD public convening of the year focused on Alternative Crisis Response (ACR) and will be led by the Department of Mental Health’s (DMH) ACR team.  Every quarter our public convening meeting will have an ACR focus.

You can join the public convening in Microsoft Teams or via phone:

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 252 798 644 16

Passcode: t3JKNi

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Learn More | Meeting options

JCOD Public Convening – Alternative Crisis Response (ACR)

JCOD Public Convening

Next Meeting July 17th on Alternative Crisis Response (ACR)

The next Justice, Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) public convening meeting will be Wednesday, July 17th from 9 am – 10:30 am. This will be the JCOD public convening of the year focused on Alternative Crisis Response (ACR) and will be led by the Department of Mental Health’s (DMH) ACR team.  Every quarter our public convening meeting will have an ACR focus.

You can join the public convening in Microsoft Teams or via phone:

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 252 798 644 16

Passcode: t3JKNi

Download Teams | Join on the web

Learn More | Meeting options

JCOD Public Convening – Alternative Crisis Response (ACR)

JCOD Public Convening

Next Meeting April 17th on Alternative Crisis Response (ACR)

The next Justice, Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) public convening meeting will be Wednesday, April 17th from 9 am – 10:30 am. This will be the JCOD public convening of the year focused on Alternative Crisis Response (ACR) and will be led by the Department of Mental Health’s (DMH) ACR team.  Every quarter our public convening meeting will have an ACR focus.

You can join the public convening in Microsoft Teams or via phone:

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 252 798 644 16

Passcode: t3JKNi

Download Teams | Join on the web

Learn More | Meeting options

JCOD Public Convening – Alternative Crisis Response (ACR)

JCOD Public Convening

Next Meeting January 17th on Alternative Crisis Response (ACR)

The next Justice, Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) public convening meeting will be Wednesday, January 17th from 9 am – 10:00 am. This will be the JCOD public convening of the year focused on Alternative Crisis Response (ACR) and will be led by the Department of Mental Health’s (DMH) ACR team.  Every quarter our public convening meeting will have an ACR focus. Please view the agenda, HERE!

You can join the public convening in Microsoft Teams or via phone:

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 254 609 948 613
Passcode: QQzRbS

Or call in (audio only)

+1 323-776-6996, 698559739#   United States, Los Angeles

Phone Conference ID: 698 559 739#

JCOD Public Convening – Alternative Crisis Response (ACR)

JCOD Public Convening

Next Meeting November 15th on Alternative Crisis Response (ACR)

The next Justice, Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) public convening meeting will be Wednesday, November 15th from 9 am – 10:00 am. This will be the JCOD public convening of the year focused on Alternative Crisis Response (ACR) and will be led by the Department of Mental Health’s (DMH) ACR team.  Every quarter our public convening meeting will have an ACR focus.


You can join the public convening in Microsoft Teams or via phone:

Join on your computer, mobile app or room device

Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 254 609 948 613
Passcode: QQzRbS

Or call in (audio only)

+1 323-776-6996, 698559739#   United States, Los Angeles

Phone Conference ID: 698 559 739#

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