Have questions? Need help? Call the free JCOD Support Center. Open 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Se habla Español. (833) 522-5263

Have questions? Need help? Call the free JCOD Support Center. Open 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Se habla Español. (833) 522-5263

Empowering you to be the hero of your story.

We cultivate a person-centered, coordinated continuum of care for justice-involved individuals and their communities. Our focus is prevention, diversion, and reentry to achieve community safety, wellbeing, and equitable justice.

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Transforming lives and fostering positive change in communities across Los Angeles County.


Contracts managed via JCOD and third-party administrators


Current beds funded directly by JCOD


Community based organizations supported via Incubation Academy


Cases diverted via the Rapid Diversion Program (RDP)


Individuals served by Reentry Intensive Case Management Services (RICMS)


Justice Connect Support Center connected over 18,000 people to services.

Workforce and Housing Programs

Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers provides justice-involved individuals with programming to enable participants to move-in to a unit in the community and “transition in place” by taking over the full rent amount after 18-months of housing assistance and stable employment.​

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Community Capacity Building

Care First Community Investment (CFCI)

JCOD and the Board of Supervisors are committed to advancing a “Care First” approach to best serve the justice-involved people of Los Angeles County. The Care First Community Investment (CFCI) is a significant investment that builds up our collective capacity to achieve our mission

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Protected: CFCI Advisory Meetings

JCOD and the Board of Supervisors are committed to advancing a “Care First” approach to best serve the justice-involved people of Los Angeles County. The Care First Community Investment (CFCI) is a significant investment that builds up our collective capacity to achieve our mission

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Workforce and Housing Programs

College and Career

The College and Career program partners with post-secondary institutions to assist justice-involved individuals who wish to continue their education.

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Site-Based Programs

Developing Opportunities and Offering Reentry Solutions (D.O.O.R.S)

Developing Opportunities and Offering Reentry Solutions (D.O.O.R.S) is an inclusive community where everyone impacted by the justice system can thrive and fully participate in society. It provides an array of comprehensive supportive services to address the barriers to reentry for justice-involved individuals, particularly those on adult felony supervision, their families and the community.

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Community Capacity Building

Incubation Academy

The JCOD Incubation Academy aims to engage and enroll Los Angeles County grassroots non-profit organizations, especially those with BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, or justice-involved leadership, that have historically been providing services to justice-involved people but have faced challenges obtaining government contracts and funding.

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Pretrial Services

Justice Connect

If you or someone you know has been arrested, JusticeConnect.org can connect you to help with your next steps, temporary housing or other services, depending on your needs. Our services are free and our call center is here to help 7 days a week.

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Communications and Outreach

Justice-Involved Panel

JCOD hosts monthly panels of Justice-Involved Individuals. These panels ensure that our community is a leading voice and driving force behind JCOD programs.

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Communications and Outreach

LA County CareConnect

LA County CareConnect is a network of organizations working together to support individuals and families in LA County through connections to services and resources.

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Communications and Outreach

LA Free the Vote

LA Free the Vote is an initiative created in 2018 tasking Los Angeles County agencies to collaborate with stakeholders in a taskforce to civically engage and register to vote people impacted by the criminal legal system.

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Site-Based Programs

Los Angeles County Training Center (LACTC)

The Los Angeles County Training Center (LACTC) is a program that prepares participants for careers in the fire service with access to case management and supportive services.

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Pretrial Services

Prefiling Diversion Program

Prefiling Diversion Program diverts individuals detained for non-serious/non-violent misdemeanors and felonies to community supports, in lieu of criminal charges being filed (which could entail prosecution and jail time).

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Pretrial Services

Pretrial Release Evaluation Program (PREP)

Over the past year, the Alternatives to Incarceration Office worked to enhance the Court’s Pretrial Release Evaluation Program (PREP) Pilot and to phase towards larger pretrial reform in JCOD – in particular, increasing service linkage for pretrial defendants.

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Pretrial Services

Pretrial Services Pilot

The Pretrial Services Pilot involves the implementation of a court-based navigator team to serve justice involved individuals and their loved ones by providing voluntary and holistic support and connecting them with community-based services and supportive resources.

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Workforce and Housing Programs

Providing Opportunities for Women in Reentry (POWR)

The Providing Opportunities for Women in Reentry (POWR) program links systems-impacted women to safe housing, employment, family reunification, support groups, mental health, and substance use treatment, to reduce recidivism, improve their well-being, and achieve self-sufficiency.

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Pretrial Services

Rapid Diversion Program (RDP)

The Rapid Diversion Program (RDP) is a pre-plea diversion program targeting individuals with a mental health diagnosis or substance use disorder.

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Diversion and Care Management Programs

Reentry Intensive Case Management Services (RICMS)

Reentry Intensive Care Management Services (RICMS) seeks to improve the health and well-being of justice-involved individuals by providing case management and service navigation.

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Workforce and Housing Programs

Reentry Interim Housing

Reentry Interim Housing provides short-term dwelling and group-based in-house programming for justice-involved individuals in need of housing support to stabilize and heal for a target of 9-months while locating longer-term housing solutions through partnership with a JCOD care management program such as RICMS.​

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Workforce and Housing Programs

Skills+Experience for the Careers of Tomorrow (SECTOR)

The SECTOR Program offers training and paid work experience in sectors that provide career pathway opportunities and family-sustaining wages for people impacted by the justice system.

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Diversion and Care Management Programs

Specialized Treatment for Optimized Programming (STOP)

The JCOD Specialized Treatment for Optimized Programming (STOP) program provides interim housing with individualized services to address criminogenic factors.

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Site-Based Programs

Warm Landing Place (WLP)

The Warm Landing Place (WLP) program launched in June 2024, engages individuals immediately upon release from the Downtown Los Angeles jails complex and provides them with voluntary supportive services in furtherance of the County's Care First approach.

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Workforce and Housing Programs

West Coast Customs Automotive Training Academy

The Justice, Care and Opportunities Department is partnering with West Coast Customs to provide a 12-week paid training course in automotive repair and restoration.

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Diversion and Care Management Programs

Youth Overcoming (YO!)

YO! is a transformative mentoring program that helps young adults reach developmental milestones by engaging them productively in education, work, and civic life.

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