The Justice, Care, and Opportunities Department (JCOD) was launched to unify the County’s efforts to serve vulnerable justice-impacted people and communities and drive forward the Board’s Care First, Jails Last vision. JCOD provides dedicated staff and resources for the CFCI Advisory Committee to support budgeting, contracting, community engagement, program evaluations and other services consistent with the Board’s Care First Community Investment objectives.
Explore the Timeline
7/21/2020: BOS Votes To Place Amendment on the Ballot
7/21/2020: Back-Of-The-Envelope Estimate of 10% Set Aside
11/3/2020: Measure J/Charter Amendment Passes
11/10/2020: Re-Imagine LA Advisory Committee Established
January-May 2021: Budget Team Analyzes Allocation Methodology
3/16/2021: CEO Recommends $100 Million First Year “Down Payment”
4/1/2021: Presentation to Committee on Calculating Set Aside
4/20/2021: Board Approves $100 Million Down Payment
5/17/2021: CEO Reports to BOS on Methodology
5/18/2021: CEO Meets with Advisory Committee
6/17/2021: Judge Rules Measure J “Constitutionally Invalid”
7/14/2021: Judge Confirms Ruling
8/10/2021: Board Establishes Care First Community Investment Advisory Committee
8/10/2021: Board Sets CFCI Policy
9/22/2021: CFCI Holds First Meeting
4/19/2022: Board Approves $100 Million Year Two Installment
7/1/2022: Department of Youth Development Launched
11/1/2022: Justice, Care and Opportunities Department Launched