Reentry Intensive Case
Management Services
Reentry Intensive Case
Management Services
Individuals served by Reentry Intensive Case Management Services (RICMS) since our inception
Reentry Intensive Case Management Services (R-ICMS) seeks to improve the health and well-being of justice-involved individuals by providing case management and service navigation. Community Health Workers with lived experience of justice system involvement support individuals by determining their needs and making connections to relevant organizations and services including: stabilizing needs, enrollment in social services, physical and mental health, housing support, employment and education, cognitive behavioral interventions, arts and entrepreneurship programming, and substance use disorder treatment.
Program Goals
To improve the behavioral health outcomes of justice involved individuals in Los Angeles County
To improve the rates of employment of justice involved individuals
To reduce the rate of recidivism for justice involved individuals in Los Angeles County
Eligibility Criteria
History of Justice-System Involvement
Adult Population – Over the age of 18 and up
Arrested, charged with, and/or convicted of a criminal offense
Mild to Moderate Mental Health and/or Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD)
Voluntary Participants