Justice Care and Opportunities Department

MWRS Healthcare Careers for System-Involved Angelenos

Justice Care and Opportunities Department

Healthcare Careers for SI Angelenos

MWRS Healthcare Sector Career Pathway Development for People Impacted by the Criminal Legal System in Los Angeles

The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) Proposition 47 grant program provides services for individuals who have encountered the criminal or juvenile justice system and have a history of mild to moderate mental health and/or substance use disorders. The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Office of Diversion and Reentry (ODR) – which since has moved to the Justice Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) – was awarded Proposition 47 grant funds to provide community-based services to the target population, including intensive case management, connection to mental health and substance use disorder treatment, interim recovery housing, and employment services.

To support SECTOR program’s goal to place participants into employment in Los Angeles County’s high-growth sectors, ODR contracted Medlin Workforce & Reentry Solutions (MWRS) to conduct research and engage employers to help ODR build connections in LA County’s growing clinical healthcare sector for system impacted individuals.

MWRS Healthcare Sector Career Pathway Development for People Impacted by the Criminal Legal System in Los Angeles

Plus, check out these additional 2-pagers created by MWRS highlighting specific health science career pathways:


The Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) Proposition 47 grant program provides services for individuals who have encountered the criminal or juvenile justice system and have a history of mild to moderate mental health and/or substance use disorders. The Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Office of Diversion and Reentry (ODR) – which since has moved to the Justice Care and Opportunities Department (JCOD) – was awarded Proposition 47 grant funds to provide community-based services to the target population, including intensive case management, connection to mental health and substance use disorder treatment, interim recovery housing, and employment services.

To support SECTOR program’s goal to place participants into employment in Los Angeles County’s high-growth sectors, ODR contracted Medlin Workforce & Reentry Solutions (MWRS) to conduct research and engage employers to help ODR build connections in LA County’s growing clinical healthcare sector for system impacted individuals.

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